
Why Does Nutrition Always Advice Changing?

Today consumers are constantly bombarded with contradictory health and nutrition information. And in many ways, people do not really need much advice. We all already know basically what to do as well as what to choose in the restaurant to get all the necessary nutrition of eating. We eat a whole variety of food such as grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables, and watch how much we eat. And of course, do exercises each day. Moreover, we are no more influenced by the mainstream media outlines about the benefits of one food and the danger of another.

As a result, many people distrust or even ignore all this variety of everyday headlines about some nutrition news.  That is why in this article, we will try to figure out what are the reasons why does health and nutrition advice change.

·         Nutrition Studies Are New In The Scientist Fields

It is commonly known that science is always changing and nutrition is a new discipline. Compared to other sciences the main discoveries about vitamins and minerals are very much in their early stages. It is because of the fact that there were any scientific studies until the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Moreover, even after the nutrients study began its rapid development as science there still have only been several investigations in trans fats and artificial sweetener area. It lasts for the few decades, and only then almost all the studies were turned to find the answer how changing your diet may influence our short and long-term health.

·         Nutrition Studies Are Hot News

People are interested in this field and that is why so much nutrition content is being produced. Americans are obsessed with healthy eating trends, but according to the statistic a half of the population suffers from higher rates of obesity and chronic disease.

People look for the universal recipe to simplify their lives and it becomes the easiest way for many bloggers to hype up. Very often they publish a lot of short researches which are no longer relevant. And unfortunately, people believe those bloggers and follow their advice.

One year they told us to avoid fat and the next one to avoid carbohydrates. One day we find a piece of information that eggs and milk are good for our health, but the other publication headline says that egg consumption linked to breast cancer, while skinny milk is making you fat. And it is enough to make anyone distrust science diet nutrition information.

·         Everyone Is Selling Something

People are trying to earn a fortune by trading their produce. In the food industry, it is a really good trick to say that the particular product has unique features and could help everyone to lose weight especially if the author of the essay tends to sell something.

Some food manufacturers hire doctors, researchers, dietitians, trainers, and other specialists to promote their natural labels. And it really helps to boost sales as “experts” opinion and their own experience make it hard for an average reader not to believe in these nutrition articles.