Die From Shrooms

Can You Die From Shrooms?

Magic mushrooms have been used for thousands of years for spiritual purposes before modern scientists investigated the true power of psilocybin. According to recent studies, psilocybin therapy tends to help patients with depression, anxiety, and depression states. At the same time, taking tiny doses is quite common among users now – microdosing helps them stay full of energy and productivity. Check up on the magic mushrooms reviews to discover the variety of shrooms and their potency. This article will discuss a popular question – can you die from taking shrooms or not?

Can you overdose on psilocybin mushrooms?

While overdosing is generally associated with drugs like heroin or cocaine, or pills, magic mushrooms are also possible. The overdose on shrooms means users took a larger dose that their bodies can metabolize. The most common symptoms of shroom overdosing are nausea, vomiting, confusion, anxiety, diarrhea, panic attacks, a feeling of paranoia, seizures, weakness in muscles, and others. Apart from that, taking other drugs that feature high potency tends to increase the risk of overdosing. It is worth mentioning that overdosing on shrooms isn’t fatal at all in most cases. An overdose typically lasts for 6-8 hours, although some effects might be present a few days until fading.

Since every species of magic mushrooms feature different potencies, it might not be very easy for users to measure the dose that won’t lead to overdosing unless shrooms aren’t in capsules. Psilocybe cubensis is considered the most common type of shrooms, and it is pretty potent. One dose of these mushrooms is around 3.5 grams, while a microdose is ten times smaller. Mixing shrooms with alcohol can provoke overdosing in users, as well.

Can you die from psilocybin?

Generally, psilocybin is well-known for its low toxicity, but this substance is misunderstood for its role in suicides and death that happens by accident. The truth is that the fatal cases of taking magic mushrooms are truly rare. In addition, several recent studies represent that people who use psychedelics, including psilocybin, are less prone to suicidal thoughts and mental health disorders.

Psilocybin is different from other usual substances, like alcohol, that mostly has predictable consequences. The chances of a bad experience on shrooms depend on a person’s set and setting and mindset. Moreover, better awareness of psilocybin’s effects on physical and mental conditions can improve the perception of bad consequences on magic mushrooms.

Another risk that should bother users more is eating the wrong mushrooms. Poisonous mushrooms have a bigger chance of leading to the fatal end. However, in many cases, users will experience the typical symptoms of mushroom poisoning. In the worst scenarios, they include severe abdominal pain, pain, muscle spasms, excess sweating, decreasing heart rate, and kidney failures. This way, it is essential to recognize magic mushrooms among other shrooms to prevent yourself from a high risk of poisoning.