Print Fonts

The Importance of Print Fonts

Nowadays with the variety of fonts it`s easy to get confused. Besides, many companies use their custom fonts in order to be exceptional. Printing service online will definitely help you, if you can`t choose the perfect print font. This service was created to research problems connected with the font in any printed material, analyze them, and fix them quickly! 

Main types of print fonts

Needless to say that different types of fonts intended for various purposes. Sometimes it is needed to use the font in order to emphasize professionalism or confidence. There is a description of the most common types of fonts used in business area. 


This is a great example of an elegant font with it`s small details as curls and soft curves. The script may give you some sort of visually pleasing, but it`s not easy to use it in each print material. For instance, Script is not optimal in large sections of text. For sure, not everyone will like this unusual font, but it`s suitable for many companies as well. 


The recognizable Serif font called Times New Roman is one of the most widely used types of font today. With its strict look, this font became popular in the area of education and is used in official documents all around the world. Times New Roman intended to single out simplicity and authority at the same time. It has a super clean typeface with a clean design.

Sans Serif 

Have you ever seen an Apple`s marketing material and thought about the specific font used in it? Yes, it was Sans Serif font. It has a more modern shape unlike a Serif one. This font is commonly used in different materials, which connected with innovational technologies and so on. 

Why it is so important to choose the perfect font? 

There are some reasons, why you should pay attention to the right font type in your texts. 

  • One special style – the way your company will use the same font in every material, you will make your individual manner of writing.
  • Easy perception – by using easy-to-read print font, your reader will feel the text in the right way.
  • Accessibility – by using different fonts in one material, the information will be divided into blocks.
  • Encouragement – it will be not so boring to read your material, in case you will use an anesthetic print font. This way, your client will be more interested in your article.
  • Appeal to emotions – remember, your text can evoke certain emotions, so clients could be more willing to buy your product.

How to choose the perfect print font? 

First of all, it depends on the area your text will be intended for. More strict fonts will be suitable for businesses, softer – for entertainment, and so on. The best fonts for print are Century Gothic, Helvetica, and Verdana. These types of fonts are recognized by the clean, simple-to-read silhouette. 

There are also Google fonts for print, which are easy to use in different areas as well. These web fonts called Open Sans, Lato, Old Standard TT, Abril Fatface, and many others. They could be used by web designers, writers, or SMM specialists. By the way, all the fonts in the Google Fonts database are free.